Obsidian and second brains
Taking notes of everything, but quickly
I have stopped reviewing tools as part of my blog for a long time, but I did want to point out the benefits of the second-brain approach of some applications. I have personally found my sweet spot with Obsidian, so I’d like to talk about that.
Technical Leaders and Career Paths
You shouldn't have to stop coding
I came across this question, which is a fairly common concern I have come across with people around me. Here’s the gist of it:
After I became a Tech Lead my work has become more like managing than anything else, I don’t do more code and just a little technical stuff
I’d like to offer an alternative approach.
Blender on Lambda
Rendering Blender Scenes in AWS Lambda
I recently published TAS-PC, a producer-queue-consumer lambda terraform module. This was an intermediate step for creating a distributed rendering engine.
In this post I’d like to discuss some of the technical aspects of that work.
Terraform-AWS Serverless Producer-Consumer Module
I needed to setup some infrastructure in AWS but did not want to make modifications each time I needed them. What a better opportunity than this one to learn Terraform.
So I created a little module that sets up a small producer-consumer serverless (lambda-based) architecture, powered by a SQS queue.
Using Dependabot with Yarn 2
Not currently supported out of the box
A few weeks ago I migrated worklogger to TypeScript and yarn 2.
But this broke some things along the way.
AI "sidesteps" scientific method
Not really but still a breakthrough
There’s an article published in TheNewStack.io that is titled Machine Learning Algorithm Sidesteps the scientific method. While I do consider this to be clickbait, I still consider some truth behind it worth discussing.
Real privacy does not exist
Why the illusion of privacy is only an illusion
There was a particular gag I came across in a Youtube video. One where, from the point of view of a long-term future, an advance human race made fun of us for having expectations of privacy in our lives.
I brushed it away as a single joke at first, but it stuck with me. I think they might be right.
Type safety vs. unit tests
A debate of several years...
Can unit tests that assert type safety be enough to compete against strong-typed languages?
The Four-Hour Work-Week
I just finished reading Tim Ferriss’ 4-hour workweek book. To be honest, it’s not what I expected.
Map of AI Ethics
We’ve all heard the news about how AI will revolutionize multiple industries, transform mankind and bring us into a new era of technology. But it all sounds too good to be true. Indeed, it is. Like any other technological tool, there are serious consequences if it is left unchecked.
Discussing the ethics of AI has always been a tricky subject, since the question often asked is “whose fault is it?” This is just scratching the surface in terms of ethical discussions. A deeper analysis of what we mean is more revealing and makes for a better framework to have these conversations.
Let’s dive into detail and discuss AI Ethics.