MOOC: Android Dev Part 1

That little green trash can

Yes, I continue to go on courses. Now I just finished the Android Development Part 1 (or “Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems: Part 1”), dictated by the University of Maryland.

As usual, let me give you a quick review of what it was about, what you need to get into it and what you can get out of it.


General Game Playing

Automatic players that don't complain when they lose

I’ve recently taken and finished the course on General Game Playing, by Stanford University. Let me tell you what it was about and what the experience was like.


My time tracker: Google Calendar

Boxes and colors, what's left to ask?

Long time ago I wrote about a proposal from a StackExchange user about how to use Google Calendar for task planning across projects and activities. The idea seemed good, and after months of making it my bread and butter, I think I have perfected it to address most of the problems I had with my workflow in Trello. It’s not the holy grail of productivity, but it has helped me a lot.

Let me explain it to you, because if you use Google Apps or GMail, you’re most likely to benefit from this.


How TDD pays off

A success story from the side of the doubtful

Software engineers, amirite? They keep blabbing about this fancy-pantsy weird wibbly-wobbly stuff nobody understands and they just want to keep things complicated. They want to test things even before they are done and then develop the app. Are they insane? And it even takes more time, so it’s a waste of money.

Well, my little friend-that-does-not-adhere-to-software-methodologies, they are right on what they do. And it does pay off. Let me tell you why.

(In here also: an update on the mongo-faceted project.)


Sleep time

Smart alarms

Many of you that know me also know that it has been forever a problem of mine to get to sleep properly. Not to sleep early. Not to wake up early. It’s about the quality of sleep. I’ve tried many things to address this problem, raging from hormones to witchcraft, but something seems to be making a difference: smart alarms.


My experience with bullet journals

Spoiler: not a journal about guns

I have just learned about this technique called Bullet Journalism, which seem to have revolutionized daily planning for lots of people. I’ve tried it out myself and it has been definitely something to share. Let me tell you more about it.


Why's (poignant) guide to Ruby

I love chunky bacon

A few of you may already know that I’ve started learning Ruby. I cannot tell at this moment if its going to be a huge career shift for me or not, but still, here I am. And I started with Why’s Poignant Guide to Ruby, a definitely… unusual book.


Faceted searches with MongoDB and mongoose

Generating facet search results

Some people in Latin-America may remember an old Yupi ad where a woman was complaining on how difficult using the internet was. “It’s so difficult. So complicated! There must be something better.” (In Spanish, of course.) Cheesy as it sounds, Händel Messiah’s “Hallelujah” sonorously invaded the screen. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.

That’s how I felt when I was investigating what’s the best approach to achieve faceted searches in MongoDB. But I found something better. Let me show it to you.


Write it down!

Before it makes you frown

Not sure if this has happened to you, but sometimes there’s just too much going on at the same time. Pretty much more that we can handle in our head.

This happens to me quite a bit: I’ll in the middle of an important meeting when suddenly someone comes in Skype saying “would you mind to code review this, please? It’s kind of urgent”. Then somebody will reach out to me saying “hey, I think the server’s down”. Then somebody will say “I think this issue is actually a server configuration thing, we’re blocked”, and somebody else will say “I cannot get the tests to run, it says undefined is not a function”. It’s like it’s raining urgent issues! This a way I found to handle the situation.
